Sample Bequest Language

To remember Americares in your will or living trust, you may wish to share the following language with your estate planning attorney:

“I give, devise and bequeath to AMERICARES FOUNDATION INC., a not-for-profit organization located in Stamford, Connecticut, _______________ [written amount or percentage of the estate, percentage of the remainder of the estate, or description of property], to be used for its general charitable purposes.”

Americares' Tax ID#: 06-1008595

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Allow Us to Say Thank You

We hope you will let us know if you have included a gift to Americares in your will or named us as a beneficiary of an account. We would love to have a chance to say thank you and invite you to join our Macauley Legacy Society.

“We know Americares will be around for a long, long time, bringing better health to communities struggling with poverty and recovering from natural disasters. It’s so satisfying to know we’re making a difference with Americares, and we encourage other people to save lives and improve health by leaving a gift in their will or trust.”

—Wayne and Vivian Day
Macaulay Legacy Society Members